Sunday, April 21, 2013

Garam Masala Scented Ice Cream with Blaak Balsamic Vinegar

Did you ever make a mistake ? Well, this is one  that fortunately came out quite nicely. And it was completely unintentional.

We wanted ice cream. I only had cream, no half and half, and we usually make the "Philadelphia" style ice cream that doesn't require egg custard. But, I didn't have all the necessary ingredients, so I decided it was time to finally try the custard style. I wanted to put in some of (what I thought was) the vanilla sugar we had in the cupboard, so I dumped it in. As it cooked, and I could smell the fragrance, I realize it isn't vanilla, it's garam masala. Now, I love this, but I am not sure how Ray will feel, since he loves his super vanilla homemade ice cream. I just go with it, add some vanilla bean slurry, and make the ice cream. As it cools, and we pour it into the machine, I know this is not going to be your grandma's ice cream. But, I am hopeful...

The machine churns...and it finishes, and I take the blade out for Ray to taste. He says, "WOW! It's really good, and different !" So, I confess, about the spice...and he says "I love it !" So now, it's a keeper! I bought this balsamic glaze after reading this book about some fellows who started a goat farm, it's called BLAAK Drizzle.They combined elderberry and fig with the balsamic vinegar, and it makes a really stellar combination with this ice cream. You can purchase it here:

And no, I wasn't paid for the free ad, but it is really amazing on ice cream, you should try it !

Garam Masala Scented Ice Cream 
1 1/2 cups whole milk
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar mixed with 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon good quality vanilla, or vanilla bean slurry
In a small saucepan, bring milk to a boil, then remove from heat and let come to room temperature. In a double boiler, combine egg yolks and garam masala sugar,and whisk slowly over simmering water until egg mixture starts to thicken. Gradually whisk in the milk, and continue to cook and whisk until thick. Surface wrap with cellophane and refrigerate until cold. Combine egg custard, cream and vanilla, and process in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions. Place ice cream in the freezer, and freeze until firm, approximately 2 hours. Serve with Blaak Drizzle.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, now that was a happy accident. A very unusual flavour for ice cream. Please do drop me a line on if you are ok with me linking to this on my blog. Cheers
