Friday, December 30, 2011

Caviar with Potato Latkes

We wanted to start the feast with an amuse bouche-a small bite that is supposed to make you smile, and to stimulate your appetite.

This dish was actually a bit of an afterthought. We had purchased this herring roe (caviar) for another dish, but we only needed a little bit, and didn't want to waste it, so I made this up to use some of the extra. This roe was very mild, so it was a perfect start to the feast.

Caviar with Potato Latkes
For the latke:
1 medium yukon gold potato, shredded
1 tablespoon onion, minced
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon flour
Chhopped scallions for garnish

Mix together, refrigerate until you are ready to cook. In the meantime, heat a pan with 1 inch of vegetable oil to fry latkes. Remove from refrigerator, and scoop teaspoonful into hot oil. Fry to golden, press down and turn, then fry the other side. These only take a couple minutes on each side. Remove from oil and pat dry on paper towel. Cool to room temperature.

To plate, place a latke on your serving plate, top with creme fraiche or sour cream, a small spoonful of caviar, and a few scallions. Very simple, but you can impress your guests !

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