Friday, November 16, 2012

"Kitchen Sink" Thanksgiving Stuffing

It's almost time for my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.Why is this my favorite, you ask ? Because it's all about food ! I love making the full on, traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

This stuffing is one Ray and I created together, because we each had distinctive memories of what we wanted, so in order to make both of us happy, we combined them ! It seems like a lot of ingredients, but it comes together really easily, and tastes great. Stuffing has to be my favorite part of Thanksgiving, after the turkey, of course, so we make a large batch!

Kitchen Sink Turkey Stuffing
1 pound pork sausage 
1/2 cup butter 
2 cups chopped onions 
2 cups chopped celery 
6 cups chicken stock 
2 teaspoons dried thyme 
2 teaspoons dried oregano 
2 teaspoons garlic powder 
2 teaspoons salt 
2 teaspoons pepper 
1 cup dried cranberries 
1/2 cup chopped, roasted chestnuts 
2 Granny Smith apples, chopped
6 cups dried bread cubes

Brown sausage in a large pot, add butter, onions and celery and cook until onions are translucent. Pour in chicken stock, and stir in spices, and cook over low heat until celery is soft. While this is cooking, place remaining ingredients in a large bowl. When stock mixture is cooked, pour over bread mixture and stir together. Stuff turkey, or place in a large casserole dish and bake, covered at 350 for 1 hour. You may want to remove the cover for the last 20 minutes if you like the stuffing crunchy on top.

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