Thursday, June 27, 2013

Goat Cheese Stuffed Burgers with Grilled Radishes

It's use up the Bossy basket at our house this week. The challenge today was to get Ray to eat radishes. He doesn't care for them. I love them, so I would have been perfectly happy to eat every last one of the happy little radishes we received in our CSA basket, but you know I love a challenge. 

I remembered reading that you could roast radishes, and it would stand to reason that would take some of the bite out of them. Since I had burgers on the menu anyway, I tossed them on the grill with some diced sweet potato. They were really amazing, and the flavor was not at all what I expected. Ray actually enjoyed them, and he ate them ! SCORE one for the home team ! We also used some of the greens for buns instead of bread, so we had a super healthy dinner.

Goat Cheese Stuffed Burgers with Grilled Radishes
For the burger:
1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon Montreal steak seasoning
4 ounces goat cheese
Mix the first three ingredients together in a large bowl, and form into 8 patties of equal size. Slice goat cheese into one ounce discs. Place one piece of goat cheese on a beef patty, top with another, and seal edges well. Set aside until you are ready to grill.

For the radishes:
10-12 medium size radishes (depending on how many people you are feeding!)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Slice radishes in halves or quarters, so they are bite size, and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Preheat grill to high, and place radishes in a grill pan, or on a piece of foil. Grill and stir regularly for approximately 20 minutes, until the are slightly charred, and tender. Add burgers to the grill at about the 10 minute mark, and cook burgers 5 minutes on each side, until they are cooked through and cheese is melted. Remove items from grill, and top burgers as desired.


  1. So fun to see the items from our CSA box used in so many different ways. Grilled radishes? I'm all out, so now I need to get some at the farmers market. And, congrats on ditching the bun. We'll give that a try.

  2. It seemed like a smart way to use up the greens, a little slippery, but we found if you sort of "break" the stem a bit, it will wrap around the burger better. A toothpick helped too !
