Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Steak Salad with Grilled Peaches and Bacon Vinaigrette

I spent the last week at a leadership retreat, which was really transformational, educational and inspirational...except for the food. I respect the fact that they had to feed a large number of people with varying schedules, and different dietary needs, but it was honestly just a step above cafeteria food.. 

Most of the meals were high carb, low flavor and not very nutritionally balanced. Since I cook my meals from scratch at home, by the time my week was over, I was dying for some fresh, uncomplicated ingredients. 

This grilled steak salad was just what I needed to welcome me home. The peaches gave it a nice, bright flavor, and the bacon vinaigrette always reminds me of my grandma and her wilted lettuce salads. Served with some grilled jalapeno poppers on the side for some spice, it made me happy to be doing my own cooking again ! 

Steak Salad with Grilled Peaches and Bacon Vinaigrette
For the steaks:
2 six ounce sirloins (I used venison, but any sirloin will do) 
2 tablespoons Worchestershire sauce 
2 tablespoons olive oil 
1 tablespoon grill seasoning 
Place steaks in a zip lock back, and pour in marinade ingredients. Mix together and refrigerate at least 30 minutes, or overnight. Remove from refrigerator and bring to room temperature before grilling. 

For the vinaigrette: 
6 pieces of bacon 
3 tablespoons bacon drippings, reserved 
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 
1 tablespoon stone ground mustard 
Fry bacon until crispy, remove from pan and let cool on paper towel. Crumble and set aside for salad. Remove 3 tablespoons of the bacon drippings, and combine with the vinegar and mustard until emulsified. Set aside until the salad is ready to assemble. 

For the rest of the salad: 
3 cups fresh baby spinach leaves 
3 ounces goat cheese, crumbled 
6 pieces bacon, crumbled 
1 large peach, cut into sections 
1 large Roma tomato, diced 
Arrange spinach leaves, bacon, goat cheese and tomatoes on plates. Preheat grill to high, and start steaks. Depending on the thickness of your steaks, grill 4-5 minutes on the first side, turn, then put peach sections on the grill (you may need to spray non-stick on the grill, depending on what type of grill surface you have). Frill an additional 3-4 minutes until steaks are the desired level of doneness, and peaches are nicely charred. Remove from grill. Let steaks rest 5-7 minutes before slicing, then place on top of salad. Top with grilled peaches, and bacon vinaigrette. 

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