Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Angel Hair Pasta with Arugula Pesto

We realized, after trying to finish off the last of our CSA box before the next one arrives, that we have not historically been big eaters of the greens. Coming up with creative ways to use them has been quite a challenge, but a fun one, for sure. I knew I could make pesto out of some of them, and at least I could freeze that and use it later, so nothing would go to waste. 

That was part of the bargain I made with myself (and my husband) when we agreed to join the CSA. Nothing could go to waste. We have a garden of our own, but most of it goes to supply our canning habit and stock our shelves for the year with sauces, salsas and condiments. We decided to supplement with the CSA so we have fresh veggies all summer long. 

So, pesto is a good (and tasty!) way to use up the last of these greens before I go pick up our next box of treasures. I added basil to this batch, because we had some, but you could easily use straight arugula and it would be fine. I also added garlic because we like our pesto that way. That's the great thing about pesto, you can make it your own ! I topped this with grilled chicken and some shaved Parmesan, but it would be fabulous plain, it's just that good ! 

Angel Hair Pasta With Arugula Pesto
4 good size hand fulls of fresh arugula (I filled my 4 cup food processor twice) 
2 hand fulls of fresh basil 
1/2 cup almonds 
4 cloves garlic 
4 tablespoons olive oil 
2 ounces shaved Parmesan cheese 
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional, to taste)
1/2 pound angel hair pasta 
Start your water boiling for the pasta, and salt the water generously. In a food processor, combine all of the pesto ingredients and process until smooth, or you can leave it a little chunky if you like it like that. Taste, and stir in salt if you prefer it. Add pasta to boiling water, and cook 3-4 minutes, just until al dente. Drain pasta, return to pan, and add 1/2 cup of the pesto, and stir. Add more if you like, plate, and top with grilled chicken, and more shaved Parmesan. 

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