Friday, September 27, 2013

Balsamic Glazed Chestnut Crab Apples

I almost forgot this one...and how could I ! It's so simple, and perfect for fall.
This is the final dish that Chef Sameh Wadi created from his Farmers Market basket challenge at the Minneapolis Farmers Market one Saturday. It actually inspired me to grill some apples with balsamic vinegar on the post preceding this one.
This is so simple, you won't believe how easily it comes together. But, you better get to it, the chestnut crab season is almost over ! Chestnut crab apples are the small, pinkish variety, but they have a nice sweetness, which pairs well with the balsamic vinegar. You could substitute regular apples as well, but make sure you choose a variety that has some tartness.
Balsamic Glazed Chestnut Crab Apples
6 chestnut crab apples, cored and sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar (nice, aged balsamic is the best choice here)
Heat a non-stick sauté pan over medium heat. Add sugar, and warm until sugar starts to turn brown, stirring regularly. Toss apples in the browning sugar, making sure not to let them burn. When apples are starting to soften, and are nicely carmelized, add the vinegar, and stir. Continue to cook until the sauce is thickened. Remove from heat, and plate.

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