Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ground Cherry Margaritas

It has been awhile since I posted a cocktail recipe, I realize now. I think this one is worth the wait !
I splurged on a fairly large purchase of ground cherries, so I would have plenty to experiment with this year. Since the flavor of the ground cherries always reminds me a bit of mango, I wanted to see if I could incorporate them into a nice, blended cocktail for the end of summer.
This is a pretty classic preparation for a margarita, I just substituted the ground cherries where I would use any other fruit. I chose to add a little mango orange juice to try to  increase the "mango" factor, but I think it would have been just fine without it.
Ground Cherry Margaritas

6 ounces good quality gold tequila
2 ounces orange liqueur
4 ounces sweet and sour mix
2 ounces orange mango juice
3/4 cup ground cherries, husked
Fill blender almost to the top with ice. Add all ingredients, and blend on high until smooth. Serve with a little ground cherry hanging on the rim of the glass !

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