Friday, June 25, 2010

Fresh from the garden

We were on vacation for a bit earlier this month, and when we came back the garden had exploded ! Weeds everywhere, garlic that developed curliques so that it looks like something out of Doctor Suess, and STRAWBERRIES everywhere. I couldn't wait to get in and cook some of the bounty !

After spending a day doing yardwork, I wanted something simple. I stole a bunch of rhubarb from my parents (well, they knew about it, so I suppose it wasn't stealing), and combined with the strawberries from the garden, I was able to make a really great cobbler. The nice biscuit topping and the fresh fruit were a great combination. I added a little bit of cinnamon to the fruit, flour, and sugar, and that was it. The topping was just basic biscuits (flour, sugar, butter, buttermilk) but I added a little bit of almond extract to give it a different flavor. I think Ray ate half of the pan on the first day !

We have a lot of fresh herbs, and lettuce that needed to be picked, so I marinated some chicken breasts in a tarragon mustard vinaigrette, made with fresh tarragon from the garden. I also made a lemon thyme vinaigrette for the salad, which had fresh mixed greens from the garden, onion, tomato and bacon. Although this was a really simple dinner, Ray thought it was one of the best he had ever had !

And, we can't forget the cocktail. I wanted to take advantage of the fresh mint and strawberries, so I blended them together into a smooth syrup. Then, I added vodka, Sierra mist and a little lime, and it was the perfect compliment to our garden fresh dinner.

I am planning a nice ceviche for Saturday, contents will depend on what is fresh at the fish market !

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