Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuna Tacos

The tuna tacos were a big hit ! And very simple and fast.

I bought some frozen ahi tuna steaks from Sam's Club. They are not very expensive, and perfect for a dish like this. I marinated them in Cuban Mojo marinade. I purchased this pre-mixed...take the help where you can get it, right ?

I had small tortillas, soft shell size. Salsa from last years canning run, lettuce from the garden, shredded cheese and sour cream. I added a diced avocado and some left over roasted corn to the salsa for a little different texture.

To grill tuna, you want your grill very hot, and just cook the tuna a couple minutes on each side. Good ahi is meant to be eaten medium rare, and these came out perfect ! I just sliced the steaks like fajita meat, and we built our own tacos.

The perfect compliment to this quick and easy meal was a mojito ! We are growing spearmint in the garden this year, so I dusted off my bartending chops to take a stab at these yummy rum cocktails. In true "Lisa" fashion, however, I had to give it my own twist...

I muddled the mint with some fresh lime juice, and dropped half a lime into the bottom of the glass. I added some agave syrup instead of the traditional simple syrup, and topped off with ginger ale instead of soda. They were delicious, and since our mint plant is taking over the planter it is in, there are more mojitos on the horizon !

Off for some camping this week, but I will blog from the road !

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