Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grilled Scape Pesto and Potatoes

There is something about the garlic scapes that captivates me every time I see them. They have this fun, Dr. Seuss quality that makes me want to use them in something!

I have seen recipes where the scapes were made into pesto, and previously I have enjoyed them grilled. I decided to combine the two ideas, and made this grilled pesto. Ray started eating out of the bowl with a spoon after it was done! I stirred it into some grilled potatoes, it was both fresh, and "homey" tasting at the same time. 

Grilled Scape Pesto and Potatoes 
For the pesto: 
1 pound garlic scapes
Olive oil and salt for drizzling 
1/2 cup walnuts 
1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese 
1/2 lemon. freshly juiced
1/2 cup olive oil
Drizzle the scapes with olive oil and salt generously. Heat grill to high, and place scapes on the hot grill. Grill until scapes get a light char on outer leaves. Remove from the scapes from the grill and let them cool. Cut into one inch pieces. Place all remaining ingredients into a food processor or blender, and process until somewhat chunky, but mostly smooth. 

For the potatoes, dice 3-4 potatoes, skin on. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and toss. Make a packet of foil, and place potatoes in the packet. Grill on high heat for 30 minutes, turning frequently. Remove from heat, open packet, and toss with pesto.

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