Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Poor Man's Grilled Peach Cobbler

This is an update of a dish my grandma used to make about this time every summer. The Ace Hardware down the street would start advertising Colorado peaches coming into town, and people would flock to the store to get on a list and reserve a  "lug". When they came  in, we ate peaches every which way we could, since they were not native to South Dakota. They were always a huge treat. 

This was a quick dessert she created, I imagine when they didn't have a lot of time or money. Her version was just a sliced fresh peach, fresh cream, crush graham crackers and cinnamon. I grilled the peach with a little brown sugar, and added some vanilla bean ice cream. I think it looks really elegant, so I feel a little guilty calling it "poor man's" anything, but that's grandma's name for it ! 

Poor Man's Grilled Peach Cobbler
2 fresh peaches, cut in half
4 tablespoons dark brown sugar
4 scoops vanilla bean ice cream
2 graham crackers, crushed
Cinnamon, for garnish
Preheat grill to approximately 400. Place peach halves on grill cut side down, and grill for 3-4 minutes, until you get a good grill mark on the cut side. Turn over, and sprinkle a tablespoon of brown sugar on the top of each half. Close grill cover, and grill another 3-4 minutes until brown sugar is melted. Remove peaches from grill. Place each one in an individual serving dish. Top with a scoop of ice cream, crushed graham crachers, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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